have you heard the tale of Carousel Knight?
the valiant hero that goes around, day and night?
he comes with his paper sword and hat
then leaves after all the fun he had
the valiant hero that goes around, day and night?
he comes with his paper sword and hat
then leaves after all the fun he had
gambarnya aneh ga? kok gw ngerasa girlish yah? hahaha
by the gay, monitor gw lagi rusak, dan monitor laptop gw sangat kecil. gw jadi males kalo mau photoshopan.
ohiya, post berikutnya mungkin agak lama, ada hal yg lagi gw kerjain juga nih.. kalo jadi mungkin nanti gw pos deh di blog. hehe.
5 komentar:
by the gay? HAHAHAHAHA!!
I like it, sajaknya mirip nonsense-nya edward lear deh val, btw gambar lo makin bagus :D
well, thank you Ms. T.. haha
edward lear siapa, thet? gw jadi penasaran..
gue jadi nyari the Melancholy..., baru baca beberapa, but I know I'm gonna like it haha. tapi ga lengkap nih pdf nya -_______- Di kinokuniya/aksara ada ga val bukunya?
haha, gw ga meratiin.. anda observant sekali. haha. gw juga udah ke blog lo tadi btw.
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