Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010


well, gw udah masuk kuliah. banyak kerjaan, banyak tugas, dan hal' lain. mungkin gw bakal jadi jarang ngepost lagi. apalagi gambar. tapi tenang, selama post gw belom 100, gw ga akan berhenti ngepost.

gw belum gambar' lagi.. untuk sementara puisi aja yah.

the fear is killing from the inside
it took the light, it stole the sight
the torturing blight, the losing fight
tried, struggled and died


a dangerous desire with a beautiful name
two for a game, a playful fame
lose it, hide it, and fill it with flame
the unforgetful made the ignorant shame

not a chance, not a chance
turning away, losing the glance
courage just left the dance
now the heart is back in trance

sekalian gw kasih quotation deh, mumpung berhubungan.

Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.

2 komentar:

gabriella mengatakan...

nietzche? saya sedang baca buku yang membahas dia.. gara-gara little miss sunshine.. hahahha..

Valdano mengatakan...

kalo quote di atas itu dari eternal sunshine. sempet di bacain.

bukunya isinya apa? wah suya susah sepertinya baca buku seperti itu..
