Senin, 22 Juni 2009

If You Rescue Me (Chanson Des Chats)

If you rescue me, I'll be your friend forever
Let me in your bed, I'll keep you warm in winter

All the kitties are playing
and they're having such fun,
I wish it could happen to me,
But if you rescue me,
I'll never have to be alone again.

Oh the cars drive so fast
and the people are mean
and sometimes it's hard to find food
let me into your world
I'll keep you warm and amused
all the things we can do in the rain

If you rescue me, I'll be your friend forever
Let me in your bed, I'll keep you warm in winter

Oh someday I know
someone will look into my eyes
and say, "Hello, you're my very special kitten,"
So if you rescue me,
I'll never have to be alone again

lagu dari Science of Sleep, yang nyanyiin gw kurang tau..

4 komentar:

gabriella mengatakan...

saya komen di sini karena sepertinya Anda benar-benar butuh komen untuk blog Anda

Valdano mengatakan...

trima kasih, saudari gaby, anda melengkungkan bibir saya

T mengatakan...

wee val gw lagi nyari soundtrack science of sleep di google eh blog lo nongol. kayaknya akan lebih bagus kalo lo punya link downloadnya, hahaha

Valdano mengatakan...


gw ada semua lho lagu'nya!

waktu itu gw nemu yang se album sih.. tapi lupa.. hehe.. maaf yah..